2020. 01. 31

This is the story of how I died.

Don't worry, this is actually very fun story

And a truth is:it isn't even mine

This is the story girl named rapunzel

And it starts, with the sun

This is the story of how I died.

Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story

And the truth is:it isn't even mine.

그리고 사실은 제 이야기 조차 아니에요.

This is the story of a girl named rapunzel

And it starts, with the sun

그리고 태양에 관한 이야기로 시작하지요.

'English Study > Rapunzel 쉐도잉' 카테고리의 다른 글

<라푼젤4>  (0) 2020.02.05
<라푼젤3>  (0) 2020.02.04
<Rapunzel>  (0) 2020.02.03
<라푼젤-2>  (0) 2020.01.31
<라푼젤-1> 영어 대본 필사  (0) 2020.01.31
Posted by 호야맘님